I am so fired-up that this week our core group will be launching Harvest Bible Chapel in Franklin, WI. (southern Milwaukee county) The Lord has been so good to us who have been praying for this the last couple of years. He has caused so many loose ends to come together, and it's finally here. The service is at 9:00 at the Value cinemas on S. 27th St. just North of Rawson Ave. The website for the church is www.harvestfranklin.org, and Pastor Joe Martinez has some messages already on this website. Please come and worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth (John 4)with us this week or any week after.
by the grace and peace of our Mighty King and Lord Jesus Christ
Dave & Amanda
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Some new pics from our trip to Addis...
Elijah and Nathan playing together. His cousin Nathan just turned one in August so they will only be 4 months apart. Also my sister Jamie just gave birth to Jude, so the Duda family side will have three boys within a year of each other, Lord help us.
Daddy feeding Elijah at the airport, notice how he kicks back his legs and chills *smile*.
And with his Auntie Samantha on Wednesday.
This is Elijah with his Auntie Jill Tuesday after we got home.
Here are the Dudas and the Cavitts enjoying ice cream at the Hilton one of our last nights.
Here's Elijah in his stroller at the airport.
Here are just a couple of new pics of us from Addis...Just wanted to put something new up...*smile*. I am sooooo fired-up to not be working. I don't remember the last time I had more than 2 weeks off of work in my life. It has been crazy, but I am completely enjoying it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Back in Milwaukee, and thankful for everything the Lord did for us
Well, sorry it's been so long since I did an update, my internet account at the Hilton ended on Saturday and it was kinda high for one last day. And on top of that we don't have internet at home. So I'm at Starbucks with a lemonade iced tea (pretty good) and doing the WiFi thing. We got through the flights with Elijah being a great little boy on the flights. This was the thing I prayed about the most. The Lord got us home, exhausted, back was killing, but Praise HIM for giving us a beautiful little son. The Word of God says "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS (emph added), I say it again Rejoice!!!" So we are no matter if we are tired, or hurting after our flight for the trials and blessings the Lord gave us on this trip.
We were majorly blessed by so many family and friends showing up and meeting us at the airport when we got in Monday afternoon. Thank you soooo much from all three of us for making us feel great after about 40 hours or so without sleep. About 5 minutes after we saw y'all I didn't remember the sore back or the lack of sleep. Please stop by and visit Elijah when you have a chance, (call first if ya can *laugh*). We are finally getting back on track. Amanda and I are still figuring out a schedule for the little guy, but Elijah has done great with his new home. He has done really well with our dog Dixie, a golden retriever, who I picked up last night. So praise the Lord for that as well. Any fears or doubts, etc...we really gave up to the Lord and He supplied all our needs as He promised He would in Scripture.
I can't believe what a blessing having Elijah in the house is. It is a completely different life, I just pray that Amanda and I can keep our marriage as a focus while taking care of little Elijah. That is by far going to be the hardest part of this journey. I know it will all work out for God's glory. On the plane on the way to Ethiopia, we got to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a man named Patrick on the plane ride. I just pray that he sees that his sin separates him for the Lord and that only through Jesus Christ, the Bible says, can he come to salvation. (John 14:6 ) Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."
Only through Jesus, no other way can anyone come to salvation. If you don't know Him, this is the most important decision in your life. I don't care if you don't like me for saying it, because I care more for your eternal soul to care about what someone thinks of me. It doesn't mean doing good, it means turning from your sins and praying to the Lord that you will live only for His glory for the rest of your life. Realizing that the Bible says, " All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God". It isn't through anything you do except accepting Jesus Christ's free gift, turning from your sins, and realizing only through his blood shed on the cross will you have eternal life with the Lord.
I will update this as I have time, but not daily now. I'll definitely put some new video up of Elijah, especially his first trip to the zoo. Talk to ya soon
We were majorly blessed by so many family and friends showing up and meeting us at the airport when we got in Monday afternoon. Thank you soooo much from all three of us for making us feel great after about 40 hours or so without sleep. About 5 minutes after we saw y'all I didn't remember the sore back or the lack of sleep. Please stop by and visit Elijah when you have a chance, (call first if ya can *laugh*). We are finally getting back on track. Amanda and I are still figuring out a schedule for the little guy, but Elijah has done great with his new home. He has done really well with our dog Dixie, a golden retriever, who I picked up last night. So praise the Lord for that as well. Any fears or doubts, etc...we really gave up to the Lord and He supplied all our needs as He promised He would in Scripture.
I can't believe what a blessing having Elijah in the house is. It is a completely different life, I just pray that Amanda and I can keep our marriage as a focus while taking care of little Elijah. That is by far going to be the hardest part of this journey. I know it will all work out for God's glory. On the plane on the way to Ethiopia, we got to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a man named Patrick on the plane ride. I just pray that he sees that his sin separates him for the Lord and that only through Jesus Christ, the Bible says, can he come to salvation. (John 14:6 ) Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."
Only through Jesus, no other way can anyone come to salvation. If you don't know Him, this is the most important decision in your life. I don't care if you don't like me for saying it, because I care more for your eternal soul to care about what someone thinks of me. It doesn't mean doing good, it means turning from your sins and praying to the Lord that you will live only for His glory for the rest of your life. Realizing that the Bible says, " All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God". It isn't through anything you do except accepting Jesus Christ's free gift, turning from your sins, and realizing only through his blood shed on the cross will you have eternal life with the Lord.
I will update this as I have time, but not daily now. I'll definitely put some new video up of Elijah, especially his first trip to the zoo. Talk to ya soon
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Day 7 update from Addis
Well, there have been some really interesting things happening here in Addis. Some I can go into, some I can't. We went out last night to a really fun restaurant that was part Art gallery part Italian restaurant. It was some of the best Italian food I've had in a long time. We have been so blessed by the places Girmachew has chosen for us to dine at. We are both getting sick of eating out, which I never thought I'd say that *smile*. I'm looking forward to getting home and having some sugar-free grape kool-aid. It's next to impossible to find a diet soda here and we've probably put down about 20 liters of water between us. I'm not complaining,but it is either sugar soda or water, as we want to be really careful what we drink here.
Elijah has been a little goofball the whole time. He is one of the greatest joys in our life, short of marriage to each other and of course our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He keeps tricking us pretending he is tired so he gets a bottle. Then after that he'll stay up and play for like 3 hours. So we are getting to figure out his little tricks *smile*. There are not many kids that smile as much as him though. When he gets in a good mood, which is almost all the time, he just laughs and giggles all the time.
We are off to dinner at an Ethiopian Family restaurant tonight, so I'm definitely going to get some hot (spicy) food. Might as well before we leave tomorrow night. Pray for us as we travel at 8:00 from Addis back to DC tomorrow night. It's about 6 PM here in Addis as I write this. We did get a bassinet that hangs from the wall of the plane for Elijah, so that is a huge relief. Otherwise he's on our lap for 15-16 hours. Will post new pics when we have time.
Elijah has been a little goofball the whole time. He is one of the greatest joys in our life, short of marriage to each other and of course our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He keeps tricking us pretending he is tired so he gets a bottle. Then after that he'll stay up and play for like 3 hours. So we are getting to figure out his little tricks *smile*. There are not many kids that smile as much as him though. When he gets in a good mood, which is almost all the time, he just laughs and giggles all the time.
We are off to dinner at an Ethiopian Family restaurant tonight, so I'm definitely going to get some hot (spicy) food. Might as well before we leave tomorrow night. Pray for us as we travel at 8:00 from Addis back to DC tomorrow night. It's about 6 PM here in Addis as I write this. We did get a bassinet that hangs from the wall of the plane for Elijah, so that is a huge relief. Otherwise he's on our lap for 15-16 hours. Will post new pics when we have time.
Elijah and Abby Jane Video
This is at the restaurant the other night, they were playing with each other. Was really cute.
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